Riverway Conversations Webinar with Old Town Canoe Co.

We hosted a conversation with Alex Sherbinow, Marketing Manager with Johnson Outdoors and Old Town Canoe Co., one of America's largest manufacturers of canoes & kayaks. He discussed the company's long history, and the current unprecedented trends in watercraft sales.

To watch the webinar: https://youtu.be/u4hmdSQYVyE

In Ohio, Ohioans registered nearly 270,000 paddlecraft in 2020. That is 11,000 more than the previous year and is a 10% increase since 2018. Ohio is now the 6th nationwide in total boater registrations when compared with other states. Sales of fishing licenses also increased 8% over 2019. 

The next Riverway Conversations webinar will be scheduled for September 2021. Watch for announcements.