Register now for a virtual, family-friendly fishing tournament - the 2023 Great Miami Riverway Fishing Challenge is June 17 - August 13.
The GREAT Smallmouth Bass Fishing Challenge is a family-friendly, catch-and-release virtual tournament where anglers will utilize the I-Angler app to register and send in their catches.
This year's tournament includes a conventional tackle only or fly fishing only option.
The tournament is open to all ages. Registration is $30
Prizes include gift cards, reels, rods, and more!
“Recent records show that the largest smallmouth bass caught in the Great Miami River measured 24.3 inches,” said Barry Puskas, a Montgomery County resident and an avid fly fisherman. Donnie Knight, a biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, states that “Smallmouth bass are plentiful in the Great Miami River from June through August, so it’s a great time to encourage anglers to get out on the water."
For complete rules and to register for the tournament: